Call for Papers Geopolitical Report Vol.3/2019 “Future challenges and economic trends in Asia”

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Call for Papers Geopolitical Report Vol.3/2019 “Future challenges and economic trends in Asia” pubblicato dall’Associazione Studio, Ricerca e Internazionalizzazione in Eurasia e Africa (Asrie).

Termine ultimo per presentazione dei contributi, 31 luglio 2019.

Queste le indicazioni da seguire:

We are looking for contributions for Geopolitical Report Vol. 3/2019 “Future challenges and economic trends in Asia”, a publication which will analyse the Asian continent with special attention to investment opportunities, economic trends, regional and international relations and political challenges.

Academics of any educational and professional level (MA, PhD, Post-Doc and beyond), journalists, analysts and experts from different sectors are invited to submit papers on any aspect of historical, political, economic, security and cultural dynamics of Asia including but not limited to:

– Investment opportunities and Free Economic Zones of the Asian countries
– ASEAN and the Fourth Revolution
– Developments in the regional energy market
– Ethnic minorities and ethnic conflicts
– China and the regional dynamics
– International and economic relations between Italy and the Asian countries
– The impact of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Asian market
– Security problems

This publication is part of our projects Focus ASEAN, Eurasia Monitor, and Doing Business New Silk Road.

Contact our organisation indicating the topic of your paper and send your contribution to by 31 July 2019. Please, respect the following guidelines and the format of the text reported by our organisation.

These are the general guidelines of the document you should send us. Each paper should have:

A Title, author(s), a brief biography in English of the author and possible affiliations, abstract in English and Italian (200/300 words), 5-6 keywords. Text in English OR Italian (according to the author’s will). References APA Style.


Times New Roman 12, justify first line indent 0.6, line spacing 1.5, 2,000-4,000 words. Title: Times New Roman 14 bold, Paragraphs’ titles: Times New Roman 14 bold and italic


Times New Roman 10, justify, only for quotes and essential data.

(APA Citation Style) – At the end of each essay. Please follow the instructions below.

BOOK: Author, A.A.. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
NEWSPAPER: Author, A.A.. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Magazine Title, pp.
JOURNAL ARTICLE: Author, A.A.. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
WEBSITE: Author, A.A.. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL. (accessed: dd/mm/yyyy)

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