Western military operations in Syria?

2 mins read


What’s behind the unrest of Western propaganda?

When the war in Syria began in 2011, a huge number of Western states supported the so called “moderate rebel fighters” and their uprising against President Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian Arab Army. The events occurred in the following years brought to light the real face of “moderate rebels”: the opposition to the government is a medley of radical Islamist militant groups, including Nusra Front and Islamic State (1), in a few words, those who once were enemies of the West, are now considered by the media as “freedom fighters”. Seems that the objective of the West is still the creation of a “power vacuum” on the geopolitical chessboard, as they did before in Iraq and Libya. The West, in 2013, tried to legitimise a military intervention claiming that Bashar Al-Assad was using chemical weapons against the population. The “evidences” brought by the media, were inconsistent, and what’s more, it was proved that the so called “rebels” were using chemical weapons (2). This fact and the proofs brought on the news by Russia Today were masked behind a curtain of lies. It’s recent news that the West created fake reports about Russian military’s presence in Syria to create an illusion that the Syrian government has completely lost control over the country. The only true thing about Russia, beyond the moral support to the syrian cause, is the supply of equipment to help fight terrorism. This week Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said: “We have always supplied equipment to them for their struggle against terrorists,” Zakharova told New York Times, “We are supporting them, we were supporting them and we will be supporting them” in that fight (3). Some russian specialist were also sent to Syria to teach SAA to operate russian equipment. Russian President Vladimir Putin also confirmed the support that Syria receives from Russia in terms of equipment and training. Humanitarian aid are also supplied by Iran and Russia despite the clousure of greek and bulgarian airspace (recently re-opened). In the last days, the US did everything to put pressure on Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace, and the same happened yesterday with Bulgaria as reported by Al Arabiya English on its Twitter channel (4). Dispite everthing is so far from being a US style “boots on the ground” operation, Western media are deeply concerned by the perspective of a russian action in Syria although wardrums of a Western intervention are getting louder and louder. The media coverage of the “exodus” from Africa and Syria (continuously mashed-up in order to create confusion in the public opinion), might led France to a military bombing (5) on ISIS as a solution for the migrations. President Hollande, at the same time, didn’t hide that “Nothing must be done that can consolidate or maintain Bashar al-Assad” (6), showing to the world the real objectives of a possible airstrike action in Syria. What is sure is that there’s a sinister urge of spreading fake news about russian presence in Syria, also through social networks, that might lead to a brainwashing of public opinion in the West aimed to create fertile ground to the support of a military intervention against Syria.

Marco Nocera


2) http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/torna-la-possibilita-di-un-intervento-militare-in-siria/20899/
3) http://www.rt.com/news/314734-russia-syria-journalists-propaganda/
4) http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/09/08/U-S-asks-Greece-to-deny-Russian-flights-to-Syria.html
5) http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2015/09/07/hollande-da-domani-voli-su-siria_41c2b2ad-cac0-4eca-b508-b25b7a9db3b9.html
6) http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/france-likely-to-launch-air-attacks-on-isis-targets-in-syria/article/443164#ixzz3lEezBL1Z

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